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Posts Tagged: ‘SSAT’

Fun Ways to Study ISEE and SSAT Vocabulary

Fun Ways to Study ISEE and SSAT Vocabulary

Have you ever noticed that some things stick in your memory forever, while others vanish faster than they arrived? It […]

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4 Ways to Use Watermelon Math Study Cards

4 Ways to Use Watermelon Math Study Cards

Words like “integer” and “quotient” aren’t typically known for bringing smiles to students’ faces. But these terms are just a […]

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Taking the ISEE or SSAT in London

Taking the ISEE or SSAT in London

London, England has a vibrant international community, which is home to over 90,000 Americans. For nearly a decade, I was […]

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8 Great, Colorful, and Kinesthetic Ways to Tackle the Times Tables

8 Great, Colorful, and Kinesthetic Ways to Tackle the Times Tables

It’s not news that children need to master their math facts, whether they’re preparing for a high-stakes test or simply […]

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